Main rules and restrictions:
– a church marriage can not be conducted during fasts and during some church holidays;
– you must apply for a church marriage at least 30 days before the chosen date for orthodox church and not less than 3 months for the catholic church;
– only baptized people can be married in church (orthodox or roman-catholic);
– couples who are young, related (up to the fourth tribe) and those who get married third and more time can’t be married in church;
– a church marriage is held in the mandatory presence of witnesses, who must also be baptized. For the orthodox church, one witness is enough;
– for a wedding in a catholic church, the bride and groom are required to initiate the process of obtaining documents through their priest. All documents must not be older than 6 months, and must be sent directly by a local priest to the competent Diocese of Montenegro. If the documents are not delivered on time or are not valid, the priest has the right not to conduct the wedding. If after the marriage it turns out that the documents were not valid, the marriage is automatically annulled;
– all participants of the ceremony should be dressed in accordance with the church canons;