Earlier morning, the wedding of Julia and David took place in the luxurious Oriental-style villa Geba above the famous island of St. Stephen in Montenegro.
These guys were planning a wedding for 2020, but due to the pandemic, it had to be postponed to 2021.
By the way, the newlyweds were not upset, but approached this event even more responsibly.
At the last moment, we had to change the place of the ceremony and the restaurant and even the hotel, but the place of the walk remained the same, as planned, because Milocer Park has the best scenery for such a romantic event.
After the walk, the newlyweds went to the place of St. Sava to legitimize their relationship. The ceremony was very touching, surrounded by the closest.
After the ceremony, the guests returned to their hotel to have the celebration.
Everything on the terrace was already beautifully decorated and prepared.
They will definitely remember this evening forever.